The Nurtition of the Canned Tuna

- 2022-04-22-

Canned tuna is an important variety of canned aquatic products, canned tuna varieties are mainly Albacore and Yellowfin tuna, there are many varieties of canned tuna, including tuna in its own juice, tuna with five spices, tuna in oil.

canned tuna

canned tuna is now one of the most popular canned varieties, it has what kind of nutritional value?

The nutritional benefits of tuna include the following:
1. Tuna meat is tender and delicious, and free from environmental pollution, is a modern rare healthy cuisine. Protein content up to 20% , but the fat content is very low, commonly known as undersea chicken, high nutritional value. So canned tuna is also high in protein and can be eaten to replace the body's missing protein.

2. Most of the fatty acids in tuna meat are unsaturated fat, containing a complete range of amino acids, 8 amino acids are required by the human body. It is also rich in vitamins, iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iodine and other minerals and micronutrient. EPA, also known as Omega 3, is a nutrient specific to tuna.

3. Tuna is a healthy food for women's beauty and weight loss; especially for cerebrovascular disease, children grow up with healthy bones. The ratio of DHA to EPA in tuna oil is 5:1. The content of DHA is high and the content of EPA is low, so it is suitable for children and adolescents. So we can buy some canned tuna for home use as a beauty tonic for women. In addition, the growing child to eat a bit of canned tuna on the body of bone development is also very good.